25 September 2007

3 Years

Tomorrow is my 3 year anniversary of blogging. My very first post can be found here. When I started blogging I had been reading blogs for probably a year or so. I decided to start my blog but wasn't going to publicize it because I didn't want anyone to read it. These were my thoughts and I didn't feel the need to share them with anyone. Wow, how things change.

I got my first comment in December and I remember the thought of someone else reading what I wrote literally made me sick to my stomach. It wasn't until May of 2005 I started commenting on blogs and getting my name out there. Then I started getting regular comments. Interesting.

Tonight I'm going to read through some of my old posts and tomorrow I'm going to write a retrospective. I love going back and reading old stuff and seeing how far I've come, or how far I haven't. We shall see.

1 comment:

IronWaddler said...

Glad that you are blogging!

Isn't it fun to look back!

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