
SkiRough has requested photos of the Moluccan maniacs!!

This is my sweet little girl, Xena. She really is a good bird and a real lover.

This is Xena with her Daddy. Like all little girls she just loves her Daddy. I am basically the maid. I feed her, clean her cage, clean the room, make sure everything is taken care of for her but she goes crazy for Daddy. Ugh!!!

This is Tatu Behati. That means 3rd times the charm in Swahili. She's my bosses 3rd Cockatoo, the other 2 died. Tatu is a good bird but she is really spoiled. She demands attention and will bite you if she doesn't get it. She gets really loud and obnoxious if you don't pay attention to her. I love little Tatu but she can be annoying.

Those are the 2 Moluccans. My boss asked me today if I could watch Tatu again in 2 weeks. She's going to the Western States 100 to help pace of friend. So there will be a part 2 of double Moluccan weekend. Yea! Something to look forward to :)


Two cockatoos? You many never sleep. :)
angelfish24 said…
Pretty birds, that's for sure! Ain't that the way it is with pets, you take care of them and they love the daddy more! Same with children. Ha or maybe it just seems that way.
Vickie said…
Pretty birds.

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