Odds and ends

I woke up this morning and it was like 69F. Yeah, yeah, I know, colder climates, blah, blah, more snow, blah, blah, ice on the roads, blah,blah. But, like I've told you guys before, I don't live there. I live in Hawaii and 69 is freaking cold. I could not get out of bed in that cold, just couldn't do it. So I'll do my weights later. Brrrr.........

So a friend of mine asks me last night if I know where they can get an HDMI cable. Now I don't even know what that is so I'm pretty sure I don't know where to get one.

I ended up not going to drawing class last night for some reason that escapes me now, but it was good at the time. I do want to continue my drawing. I have loved it since I was a little kid, but something about sitting in class being told what to draw doesn't sit too well with me.

I have been really, really good in my eating lately. I've been avoiding refined carbs and really feeling good because of it. I haven't had a blood sugar episode in a long time and my energy is pretty stable throughout the day. With my blood sugar I find that I get really tired, like can't keep my eyes open tired.

So last night I stopped at Kmart for some stuff and they had Easter candy. The Whopper speckled eggs called to me. I could not resist. I bought a bag and ate almost the whole thing last night. As the bird says, Bad, Bad. Actually I just looked and there's about 1/2 a bag left. I'm dumping it this morning and there will be no more sugar for the remainder of the week.

Well, that's enough for now. I probably should get ready for work.

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