NFL season is coming.

Hubby is a huge football fan. He watches every game that's broadcast. He tracks his team record and follows the play off predictions like it's a religion. Last year we kind of tossed around getting DirectTV specifically for the NFL Season Ticket. We are starting to again talk about it. The pre-season starts in August and there are a lot more games that aren't broadcast on regular TV.

Towards that end, I found some great Current DIRECT TV Offers and Promotions. They have all the channels we get now plus some. They have a DVR, which I can not live without now (seriously, the best invention since sliced bread). And it's a heck of a lot cheaper than I'm paying my cable company. It's a thought and definitely worth consideration.

If any of you have DirectTV let me know what you think. I'd be curious to hear what users have to say about it before I take the leap. Also, if you have NFL Season Ticket, please tell if that's worth it.


Shelly said…
I have Direct TV and I am very happy. The only problem is when it snows, sometimes it causes interference on the satellite and the picture breaks up for a few minutes. But I don't reckon you would have that problem in Hawaii! Oh, and about a year or so after it was installed, they had to come back and move the dish up to a higher point because the trees were getting bigger and getting in the way, so put up as high as you can wehn you have the dish installed.
Anonymous said…
I also have DIRECTV and NFL Sunday Ticket. If you want to watch your "home team" when you no longer live in that market - it's great. It was also good for keeping up with my fantasy players. Definitely recommended.
Kewl Nitrox said…
Emmm... DIRECTV, NFL?!?! Different worlds for me. :D

Congrats on the break through weight loss and work out!

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