Makapuu Lookout
I've decided to entertain you with a post about my walk this afternoon. Rocco and I decided to hike to the top of Makapuu because it was a beautiful and hubby was watching the playoffs. Here in Hawaii there are lots of sites from WWII. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor the military basically took over Oahu and built stuff all over the place. When they left they left behind lots of cool stuff. This is one of them. In order to defend the east coast of Oahu they built a lookout at the top of Makapuu . This is the trail to access it. Originally it was used to drive up, now you can only walk. The really nice part of this is that the entire trail is around the edge of a mountain and during whale season (now) you can see the humpbacks out there, very cool. On the side of this mountain they built these concrete pillboxes. Soldiers would sit in here and keep watch out for enemy planes and ships. I'm guessing they were armed with heavy artillery too but there's no evidence ...