The stages.
I have very distinct stages I go through when under severe stress ( I guess I'd call it that). The first stage is disbelief, this can't possibly be happening. The second stage, is anger, white hot anger at any and all involved. The third stage is depression, oh woe is me I'll never get out of this. The fourth stage is calm, rationalization and planning. If you missed my post yesterday (which I hope no one read and I've since deleted), the socialist state of California has decided to come after hubby and I for taxes we apparently owe from 16 years ago. After many phone calls to the franchise tax board and tearing through my records to see if I still had those tax returns (I don't), I've come to accept the fact that California has me over a barrel and I have absolutely no recourse. It's a long stupid (considering the people I'm dealing with, incredibly stupid) story that will just piss me off again if I go into. I moved through all of the above stages. Whe...