Wild Rant!!!!
I read this and watched the video and it just set off something inside of me that I have to express. A 12 year old girl has had liposuction because she couldn't lose weight and wanted to feel "normal" whatever the hell that is!!! ABC news video and article. Now I have to say that I do feel for that little girl. Kids are unbelievably cruel and being different, fat, smart, stupid, makes you a target. But her parents I'd like to slap silly. They say she's been on a diet since she was 3. Well, that right there is wrong on so many levels I don't even know where to start. You should never put a child on a diet. Did they ever consider healthy food and maybe some play time???? They said they've tried everything. I don't think so. This is one of my pet peeves so bear with me. I have seen soooo many people who say, "I've tried everything. Nothing works. I can't lose weight" (said in a high whiny voice). Then I've seen them eat. Fast food, j...