
Showing posts from November 12, 2006

Rocco's okay.

Rocco had his surgery yesterday and he's okay. They took a chest x-ray to see if the cancer had spread and it hadn't. Yea!!!!!!!!! He has a huge incision on the side of his face, it's about 8 inches long, and his face looks kind of caved in. They must have taken a ton of tissue out from there. I read that's the procedure with mast cell tumors because you have to get it all. They've sent the edges off for biopsy to make sure they are clean. I'm so relieved!! My stomach was in knots all day yesterday just waiting to hear. It's just amazing how attached we get to our animals. He cost me a bloody fortune, cancer surgery is not cheap folks, but it was worth every penny to know he's okay. As for me, eh, not so hot!!! I didn't workout yesterday because we had the whole vet thing in the morning, plus I had to take Nala to work with me. I should workout this morning and I probably will. Oh, I don't know. Anyway, I'm happy and broke and off to hug the ...
Okay, this was stolen from LouBob who stole it from Running Mama . Yourself: Tired Your Partner: Late Your Hair: Grey Your Mother: Gone Your Father: Gone Your Favorite Item: Bike Your Dream Last Night: Money Your Favorite Drink: Tea Your Dream Car: Boxster Your Dream Home: Beach The Room You Are In: Spare Your Ex: Junky Your Fear: Death Where You Want to be in Ten Years: Healthy Who You Hung Out With Last Night: Dogs What You’re Not: Negative Muffins: Blueberry One of Your Wish List Items: Thinner Time: Brief The Last Thing You Did: Drove What You Are Wearing: Shorts Your Favorite Weather: Sun Your Favorite Book: Stand Last Thing You Ate: Candy Your Life: Busy Your Mood: Down Your Best Friends: Away What Are You Thinking About Right Now: Money Your Car: Escape What Are You Doing At The Moment: vegging Your Summer: Short Relationship Status: Comfortable What Is On Your TV: Junk What Is The Weather Like: Clear When Is The Last Time You Laughed: Today

Apparently I'm under the influence

of something. I swam on Tuesday and thought I was swimming 1000m at a time. Huh! Today I'm swimming and counting my laps and just enjoying swimming when I realized that my totals were 500m not 1000m. 50 x 10 = 500 no matter how you do the math. I kept thinking that 1000m in 12 minutes was waaaaaaay too fast for me, but I kept coming up with those numbers. Now I know it was waaaaaaay too fast for me. It was 500m in 12 minutes, that's more like it. Especially since I was going slow, really slow...... In any case, I still had fun again this morning. I ended up doing about 2000m in 45 minutes (that's real!!) I never, ever use fins when I swim because I don't want to get too used to them. But today I did. And guess what?? They were fun!!! I go superfast with fins. So I've decided I can use them a little since they are so much fun :) Tonight it's running. Supposed to be a track workout but there are no tracks convenient to me. So, I'm going to just do sprints; run...
Your results: You are Obi-Wan Kenobi You are civilized, calm, and have a good sense of humor, even when those around you don't. You can hold your own in a fight, but prefer it when things don't get too exciting. Obi-Wan Kenobi 70% R2-D2 69% Yoda 69% Luke Skywalker 66% Han Solo 65% Darth Maul 65% Boba Fett 65% Princess Leia 61% C-3PO 61% Emperor Palpatine 61% (This list displays the top 10 results out of a possible 21 characters) Click here to take the Star Wars Personality Quiz


My workouts lately have not been all they could be. I have been doing them (mostly) but I have not been inspired. I've even been questioning whether I want to continue doing triathlons. I've been avoiding swimming (that's how I do it, I don't like it just avoid it :) and my running has just sucked. This morning was swimming. On my way to the gym I decided that I needed to make swimming fun again. When I was a kid we would spend entire summer days in the pool just playing. Even when I started swimming again in January, I had fun. Well, lately it hasn't been so much fun. So this morning fun was on the agenda. I decided to swim, just swim. I thought I'd do 1000m and see how I felt. I did not set my watch timer, I did not try to go fast, I just swam. When I was done I realized I had done the 1000m in 12 minutes. That won't set the world on fire but it was respectable. More important, I had fun. I was focusing on feeling my hands push the water and how my legs ki...

Save the Cheerleader, Save the World.....

Oh, if only it were that easy. I almost forgot to post today. I'm waiting for Heroes to come on and I thought I'd throw something up. Today was tough. Everyone at work are bird people so we talked about little Mango all day. It was emotional and, needless to say, I got very little work done. But I must say I do feel better. Talking about her and talking about how terribly guilty I feel really helped. So I'm better. Now, I have to see if they save the cheerleader :)

Today is better.

I'm slowly getting over Mango's untimely death. Her cage is sitting in the corner of this room and I just can't bring myself to clean it out. I will, in time, just not yet. I did vacuum earlier and there were a ton of feathers on the floor. She really lost a lot of feathers in the last couple of days. I've also done some research on mast cell tumors and am actually quite hopeful. We won't know what's going on until the excision and the x-ray. Once they determine if it's spread or not, how far, etc, they will determine the stage it's in and the appropriate treatment. Rocco's appt. is Friday so we'll see then. I can't change anything so worrying about it does no good. I'll just have to wait until Friday and see where we go from here. I went yesterday and looked at a sulfur crested cockatoo that's available for adoption. Turns out these people can't tell a male from a female (in a cockatoo it's pretty easy), the bird is a serious...