I have all this energy, both physical and mental, and end up doing lots of silly things. For about 6 years I've had a little computer desk. You know, the kind you build yourself and it has the hutch overhead for storing all your computer stuff. Well, it was falling apart, the bird had chewed some of it and the working area was way too small. In the new place I don't have any place to work but my desk and it just wasn't cutting it anymore. So for the last few days I've been haunting Craigslist and visiting the 2nd had stores looking for a desk. Wednesday I finally found it at Salvation Army. It's a large, flat top desk with 2 drawers on each side, just perfect. So I buy it and stuff it in my Escape and take it home. When I got it home I discover a) it's HUGE!!! and b) it's doesn't fit through the doorway to my computer room. Okay, after much struggling and finally ending up taking the sides off, I got it in. Once I set the computer up I realized that the ...