Friday Swim
This morning was swimming and of course it wasn't raining!!! The gods are trying to piss me off I tell you. I got home from work last night (not as early as I'd hoped) and it started raining. So that blew off the evening bike ride. They are not going to get me down!!! I'm not going to let them!!! So, Friday morning is an optional long swim. I will probably do this most weeks as this is where I really need the work. So I headed off to the pool and decided to just to 1000m slow and easy. I did. It felt good. I did flip turns for about 250m but I was having trouble breathing during them so I stopped. Anyway, 1000m took me 27:18, and since my oly is an 850m swim, my time at 750m was 19:53. Not too shabby. I was pleased. Mostly I was pleased with my form. I was going slow and really working on reaching and pulling. I developed a little rhythm where I would kind of roll to the left, then roll to the right and breathe, then roll to the left, it was great. I felt like I was gliding...