14 December 2006

Oh yeah, one more thing.

Why can I no longer comment if the other blogger has switched to beta???? I haven't switched, and won't because I don't like it, so I can't comment on a blog that has switched. That's just not right. I hate being forced into doing something I don't want to do and that's what blogger is doing. First I get that stupid message everytime I log on, now I can't comment. Well, guess what blogger - screw you!!!! That beta version is not better!!! It sucks!!!! ( I have a secret blog that I switched, that's how I know). Why don't you fix it!!! In the mean time, let us freaking comment on all blogs!!!!!


Fe-lady said...

Maybe that is what is happening here too for me...but I think it's more the school dist. blocking posts that contain inappropriate lang. for kids....! Maybe a little of both!

Anonymous said...

I can't leave comments on beta blogs too. So I go and switch the other day to Beta and guess what, I still can't make comments as myself. The only way I see around it is to comments as an anonymous person so that's what I'm doing! Frustrating! I can't seem to post anything even to yours!

sharon said...

I tried yesterday unsuccessfully to post comments on several blogs. Yours and Vickies were the only 2 I could comment on.

Ross said...

I got a google account with the same screen name as my blogger name and it worked. Maybe that'll work for you.?!

sharon said...

I forgot to tell you that Ross and I saw one of the meteors last night after our run, then went out later to look for more. We only saw a few, but that was enough for me

Vickie said...

I found the same thing. Its something about incompatibility. I can log on with my login name, which since I'm so unimaginative I just use my own name, and then I put in my webpage, which I have to go back and copy before I can comment. It is discouraging and you have to wonder if people wonder what is happening to their commenting friends. I don't want to switch either, and now that I know what it does, that's even more reason why I don't. I did read something that said eventually they (Google I think?) would fix the problem, as right now it is set up the way it is to make people switch I would imagine.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's really freaking irritating.

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