16 October 2006

Earthquakes??? In Hawaii????

Oh what a day!!!! The earthquake was nice enough to hit at 7 a.m. followed shortly by an island wide black out that lasted all day. To top it off it was raining pretty hard. So, there was nothing to do inside the house, there was nothing to do outside the house, there was nothing to do. All the stores were closed so there was really no where to go. I did get a lot of reading done :)

Luckily there doesn't seem to be any real damage anywhere in the state. The Big Island appears to have suffered the most damage and that's mainly rock and mud slides, so everything should be okay. My boss leaves this morning for Kona (her 25th Ironman) and I was wondering last night how this would affect the race. Of course, I had absolutely no information, I was literally in the dark ;) Oh, an interesting thing, apparently the cell phone companies all went down too. Hubby and my phones didn't work (or only worked very sporadically) and I found out all the companies were not working. Hmmmm.........

Well, what a day. I'm glad it's over and hope it doesn't happen again any time soon.


Vickie said...

Glad to hear you are okay. I wondered how you were affected. And hopefully the IM race will go on without any trouble for anyone.

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Glad you're back and didn't sustain any damage! Yeah, being without the modern conveniences kinda makes one think, doesn't it?

Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

Thank you for posting. We were worried. Hope the reading was interesting.

Nancy Toby said...

Welcome back! Glad you're ok!

Comm's said...

I was in an 8.3 on Guam in 93. I know what its like to be on an island when something that that happens. Glad to see the loss of life and property was extremely low.

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