Can I go back to bed now???

Ugh, I did not sleep well last night and pretty much feel like crap this morning. I don't know what's wrong, I just kept waking up and then not being able to get back to sleep. I have my suspicions as to the cause. The last week or so I've been having major hot flashes and I believe that this is the next step in the process. Ugh!!!!

So, needless to say, I didn't workout this morning. It's okay as I'm in a semi-taper for my race this weekend, so I'm not worried just bummed.

I swam yesterday and that was fun. I had no workout planned I just wanted to swim for fun, so I did. I did the crawl, backstroke, breaststroke, side stroke, whatever I felt like with the flip turns. For the first time in a long time the swim was just fun!!!

I guess I'll just take it easy today. I've got some other things going on outside of tris and I'll guess I'll focus on those today. Work has been crazy so maybe I'll go in a little early and get a jump on things.


Linda said…
Ahh the middle of life! The one great thing about night sweats is when the house is freezing and you need to pee it's a joy to get out of bed and cool off!
Vickie said…
Well I hopee you survive this part of your life, if it is what you think. I was pretty much the same. Didn't sleep well for years, just wake up at 2 or 3 am and stay awake from then on. Hard to get up and train when you are always tired! Hang in there. You should do okay for your race if you have done the training.

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