Night!!! That song was just on an ad on TV and it really takes me back to my disco days. Ah, the days when we used to drink and dance all night long, pick up strange men and take them hom.... oh, never mind.....

So, for the 1st time in about 2 months I don't have to work today, yeah!!!!!

That means I got to sleep in a little. Yeah!!!!!

On the schedule today was a brick. Since I'm feeling absolutely fine with no signs at all of a head cold, I decided to go for it. I did a 12 mile bike and a 3 mile run.

The bike started off rough, I could really feel the legs, like I'd taken 2 weeks instead of 2 days off. But after about 10 minutes it got better and more important, I was having fun. I also discovered something while I was riding. I was not taking full advantage of the shoes and working the whole rotation of the pedal. I realized I was just cruising on the up part. Now I'm not sure how that happened because when I first got the shoes I was so excited because I could use the whole pedal rotation to create speed. Somewhere along the line I stopped doing it, ugh!!! Anyway, as soon as I started doing that my avg went from 13 up to 16 so that was totally cool. So I did the 12 miles in 54 minutes. Not as fast as I want to be but not too shabby.

Then I took off on my 3 mile run. That was ugly. I've been doing a 5/1 run/walk routine lately because of this weird hip thing I have going on. I get this pain deep in the side of my hip. The weird part is it really doesn't bother me while running or riding. It hurts later while I'm sitting. I had decided it was my ITB although I've had problems with that and this is very different. A week or so ago I discovered that if I took walk breaks it seemed to help later on. So that's what I've been doing. But it was hot, the legs were tired, and it was ugly. But I did it. In a very unflattering 46 minutes. That's okay. I figure lets get the ugly over now and not during the race.

It's truly amazing how physical activity makes you feel like you can conquer the world. As ugly as my run was, I felt like a million bucks when done. I totally understand why they recommend physical activity for depression. How can I be depressed when I just biked 12 miles and ran 3?? It's great to be alive!!!

Now, if I could just figure out what they are going to do about the jellyfish problem!!!


PuddyRat said…
"Ah, the days when we used to drink and dance all night long, pick up strange men and take them hom..."

ROFLMAO -- I remember those days! Not so sure I'd want to do that THESE days, though, even if I could (meaning, if I wasn't happily married).

Also, about that 1% statistic. I have to agree with you that I tend to think everyone knows what triathlon is because everyone I know does them. I forget about that time in my life before I did them. I only had a vague notion what they were and would never have considered it possible for me to do one.

Further to that 1% statistic--how many of that one percent go on to do a full ironman distance? Or maybe the person doing the statitics confused the distance (ironman) with the sport (triathlon)?

But, about statistic in general. As my father always used to tell me, Figures lie and liars figure."

Good luck next weekend! Don't let those jellyfish get you.
Great job on the brick. Sometimes it's not glamorous but we still get it done.
Great job on the brick. Sometimes it's not glamorous but we still get it done.

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