I have a theory.

It's still a working theory, but I really think I'm on to something.

First, a couple of observations.

When you drink lots of water your body wants more. It drives me crazy how thirsty I get the more water I drink. I drink 3-4 liters a day and I'm sitting here right now feeling parched. I know it's not true but the more I drink the more I want. Now water is how the body gets cellular waste out so it is important in many many ways. I've noticed people who drink more water go to the bathroom more, even when they are not drinking water. People who don't drink a lot of water don't exhibit this tendency. Hmmmmm...

I've never liked salt. I don't put it on my food and I'm not a fan of salty things. When I would race my sweat was salty but not as salty as some peoples. When I started long distance (read marathon) training I started to investigate salt tablets. I discovered very quickly that I don't like them and I don't like what they do to my body. I looked into products, gels, drinks, etc, that had more sodium in it so I could get my salt that way. Yeah, bleh!!! Then I started talking to other athletes and I noticed an interesting pattern. People who did not take salt pills would finish races just covered in salt (tris and running). You could actually see in on their legs and arms and on the shorts. Meanwhile, people who took salt tablets didn't exhibit this tendency. Hmmm......

Finally, weight loss. I have done a lot of reading on people who lost weight and talked to a lot of people who have lost weight. I've also talked to naturally thin people. It seems these thin people (naturally or done themselves) have a common theme. They all eat when they are hungry and eat lots of natural food. By this I mean food in it's natural state; fruit, veggies, etc. Many also never counted calories when losing. Lots of them kept food journals but didn't necessarily count calories/points/fat/whatever. Hmmmm.........

Let me say these are sweeping generalizations. One size does not fit all, but lots of people fall into the above categories.

I've noticed recently that counting calories/points is not working for me. I train almost everyday and I get freaking hungry. 3oz of chicken on a salad is not going to cut it for me. I use FitDay and there are days when I only eat 1400 cals. and other days when I eat 2500 cals. Neither of these days am I stuffing myself. I'm only eating when I'm hungry and I'm eating heathy, whole foods. Yet I battle with myself about losing weight. I beat myself up for eating 2500 cals when it consisted of fruit, veggies, and meat. That would lead me to eat crap that wasn't good for me.

I've done some reading and talking to people and I've developed the following theory. The body only holds onto things it's denied. When you don't drink water regularly your body retains water. When you don't eat enough salt your body doesn't let much of it out in sweat. When you restrict your calories your body holds onto the fat.

About 6 months ago I started salting my food regularly. When I did Tinman my black tri suit was white with salt when I was done. That has never happened before.

I drink tons of water (have for years) and I pee like a racehorse constantly and never retain water, even during PMS. I don't get bloated.

For the next 2 weeks there will be no calorie counting. I will eat when I'm hungry. I will have a little protein everytime I eat. I will eat lots of fruits and veggies. And I will see what happens.

I believe that if I can convince my body I will be getting good food constantly my body will release the fat and let it go. It's not going to be easy because I do need to eat just a tiny bit more than I'm burning to get rid of the fat. I think it will work though. I'm going to give it a shot. I always feel better when I'm eating well, good food and enough food. Let's give it a try and see what happens.


Anonymous said…
This is what I know about the body holding onto fat. If you aren't getting enough calories your body will go into starvation mode and it will give up the muscle BEFORE it will give up the fat. That's because muscle takes a lot to maintain and fat takes nothing. If you're not eating enough then the muscle will go first. Not the result you want if you're training heavily. So...don't trust the scale as a measure of whether you're reducing your bodyfat. Instead I'd recommend having a body composition done to determine your bodyfat and lean muscle mass percentages. This will really help you to be able to determine how much food your body needs. Eating "clean", lots of fruits, veggies and lean protein isn't going to fuel your body without increasing bodyfat. Good luck.

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