09 June 2006

Rest Day.

Last night I was sooooooo tired when I got home all I could do was lie on the couch. I was in bed by 9 and sound asleep by 9:01. Hubby went and played poker and didn't get home till 11:00, I did not hear a thing, I was out. I slept really well until the alarm went off. My mind said to get up but the body said, not this morning. So I reset the alarm and rolled over. God, it felt good. I am not doing anything today - nothing, nada, zilch, zippo, squat, you get the idea :)

Tomorrow is a long bike ride and Sunday is a run/hike. It's been so beautiful that I'm dying to get into the mountains, I may do that on Sunday. An hour of hiking is worth 2 hours of running easy.

I just found out they have reinstated my favorite run.

The Kolekole Pass 1/2 marathon runs over the mountains at the low point. This is all military land and the only time anyone is allowed on is during this race. They closed the pass after 9/11 and have not had the race in 4 years. They have agreed to have it this year on July 30th. I'm very excited for a number of reasons:
*It's a beautiful run with unreal views
*I won't be doing the 1/2 this weekend and was bummed there wasn't another one next month.
*I am totally going to rock this run.
That made my day.

So my race calendar is shaping up like this:
-Firecracker Sprint July 2 (maybe)
-Tinman July 23
-Kolekole 1/2 July 30
-Mountainman Tri August 14(maybe)
-Century Ride Sept 23 (I think)

I'm still looking for something towards the end of this month, I'll line something up this weekend. Also in Sept is the NaWahine sprint tri. I may do that again just to kick it's ass like it did mine last year. October is the Ko Olina Sprint and the Haleiwa Sprint. This was my first one 2 years ago and I may have to go back to conquer it.

Okay, enough. I should do some work, that is what they pay me for.

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