Okay, done!

I did it. I dragged my butt out of here and when to Waikiki. I swam Ala Moana. They have a marked 1000m swim right off shore there. I was going to do the entire 2000m but after completing the first 1000 I was tired, so I got out and walked back - a nice 1/2 mile walk on the beach.

My time was as follows:

1st 500m : 14:20
2nd 500m: 15:59
total time: 30:20:10

Not too shabby for my first open ocean swim in probably 6 months. I was pleased.

After the swim I pulled the bike out and went for a little ride - the operative word being little. I ended up only going 5 miles. Oh well, better than nothing I guess..

Couple of mistakes I made and need to remember for next week (yes, I'm going to do this again):

-Don't use the clear goggles in Waikiki. My favorite goggles are clear and are great for swimming in the pool at 6:00 a.m. Not so hot on a nice sunny day in Hawaii.

-Don't ever try to ride your bike in Waikiki. I went only 5 miles but it took me 1/2 hour. Traffice is horrible, the streets are horrible, it is not bike friendly, and the taxi drivers are down right scary.

Okay, a good day. I'm off to do some domestic stuff then it's chilin' on the couch with the sunday paper.


Bolder said…
jealous beyond words


thankfully, you did not include a pic (it's snowing here today) or I may have had to get out my voodoo Flo doll.

by the way, isn't it great how you just knocked off 1000 yards and seemed disappointed it wasn't 2000... a thousand freakin' yards in the ocean Flo -- you're makin' it happen -- keep it up!
Bolder said…
sorry, i'm gettin' so American so soon...

a thousand freakin' metres Flo!

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