Here comes the sun, do do do-do...........

Okay, things are getting better. I tend towards depression I just try not to let it get the best of me. I've found one of the best ways to handle it is to wallow in it for a while. I never allow myself to let it go on too long, but a day or two or three (depending on the severity of the situation) of pity party usually does it for me. After that I can shake it off, pick myself up and get on with my life.

I was reading an article in Time magazine and there is a branch of psychiatry that pushes that very thing. Instead of the standard view, like Dr. Phil, surround yourself with positive things, do positive things, and you will become positive. They think you should admit it, say, wow, I really feel depressed. That kind of makes sense because in other areas, like addiction, they say you have to admit you have a problem before you can solve it. Why wouldn't depression be the same way?? These same folks think that happiness is not necessarily the human condition.

So anyway, things are looking up. Wednesday, and Thursday I totally wallowed. Just got into the depression and kind of let it control me for those 2 days. By last night I had had enough. I was ready to move on and take care of business. I did not train yesterday or this morning but that's all the break I'm allowing myself. It's time to move onward.

The next few weeks will still be very busy but hey, that's life. I'll be training, working on my website (the unveiling will be this weekend :), and doing whatever else needs to be done.

Thanks for all your great comments. You guys are really great. Bold, you're right; DO OR DO NOT, THERE IS NO TRY..........


:) said…
Can't wait to see the new website!
Anonymous said…
Glad you're feeling better and dealing with the sadness in a way that works for you. I would agree that it's not a bad thing to simply acknowledge that the darkness has fallen. take good care.
Nancy Toby said…
Hey, I like a good wallow every now and then myself! Hang in there!
Papa Tweet said…
Is your new website gonna be called "Step Away From the Moonpie"? Just wondering.

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