Things appear to be back to normal.

I'm feeling much better this morning. I'm still a little nauseous but I can live with that as long as everything stays in their proper places.

Since I missed my swim yesterday I went this morning. I did 1750 m total. I'm really stoked since I have never swam that far. I did 400 m in one shot and that was awesome. Soon, very soon, I'll be swimming 1 mile without stopping - woohoo!!!!

I'm really up in the air about my races this year. I was reviewing the race calendar last night and I have found a sprint tri every month beginning in March. Now it's very appealing to do a sprint every month (and they all fall 4 weeks apart) since I've only done 2 and the thought of getting lots of experience really appeals to me. I think I would like get good at sprint distance before moving on (there is one olympic distance in June I may do, I don't know). Last year I had really set my heart on doing a 70.3 in June. I'm thinking now that I'll save that for next year. By March I figure I can get my swimming speed up so that should not be a problem. And, by doing a few more sprints, I'll be more experienced in the swim portion and therefore more comfortable. I think that may be what I'll do. I'll save Honu for next year and who knows???? Maybe an Ironman in 2008???????


Nancy Toby said…
Way to go!!!!!!!!!!
Bolder said…
nice swim!!!
Ellie Hamilton said…
It shows what good shape you're in that you could feel like you felt on Monday and then do that swim workout on Tuesday.

I think getting strong at sprints and then moving up is a very sound idea! Nice going!

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