It's been a good few days with today being the best!!
I've really been eating well and exercise has been good. It's like something has happened and everything has fallen into place. I'm not sure what I did or how I did it but it happened. I no longer find myself craving sweets, I'm no longer stuffing myself but stopping when I'm full, I find myself making good choices even when not so good ones are available. I'm glad it's happened I just wish I knew what it was so I could tell people about it and they could do it too. I've started walking the dogs in the morning. It's for them (Rocco and Nala both need to lose weight) and for me. Once I get my butt out of bed and moving I'm ready to exercise. So heading out with the dogs is a good warm up. By the time I get back I'm raring to go. I did take Friday off because I had plans of making today and tomorrow big exercise days. Today has worked out so far. I got up this morning and walked the dogs then came back and did the Firm Maximum Cardio Burn. ...