12 December 2005

Post marthon:

OOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!! My legs are sore!!!! It was a race for the books, I have learned so much during this whole training but really during yesterday's race. I promise to do a full race report (with photos) tonight.

Thanks everyone for all your support!!! I was really great to know people all over were "cheering" me on!! Details tonight. Right now I have to hobble off to work.


:) said...

Woohoo..you finished!!!

Great JOB!!!

Bolder said...


can't wait for the report.

take care, bold.

Bolder said...


can't wait for the report.

take care, bold.

Benefits already

 Walking for 3 days and I am definitely seeing some benefits already.  First, my sleep is fabulous. My sleep is always good, but with a litt...