My blog is all messed up.

For some reason my profile is all the way down at the bottom. I haven't touched the template at all so I don't know why this happened. But truthfully, today I don't really care. I'll mess with it tomorrow.

Last night I could not sleep at all. I really hate that because the one thing I do really, really well is sleep. Anytime, anywhere, for any length of time, I can sleeeeeep. So on the rare occasions when I have trouble sleeping it really bugs me. Anyway, it must have been about 1:00 a.m. when I finally drifted off and I had to get up at 4:45 a.m. to go to marathon training - yeah, that was fun. But it really is true what they say, the sleep you get the night before doesn't matter. I felt great during our run. I had energy and felt loose so it was a really good run. I was tired after I got home but I think that was from lack of sleep not exertion during the run.

The weather here has been really crappy lately. It's been overcast and rainy for like 4 days. There has also been little tradewinds so the humidity has been right around 100% - yeah, that sucks.

Not much else to say. It's been a quiet weekend. I think all weekends should be longer than the work weeks....

I'm starting to get excited about vacation; in 26 days I'll be gone - yeah!!! Do you realize my husband and I have not taken a 2 week vacation together in almost 20 years!!!!!! We've taken short trips, long weekends, 1 week trips, etc. but not a 2 full week vacation. The last time we did that was when we came to Hawaii for the first time in 1986. We were on Maui for Thanksgiving and ended up spending 12 hours on Oahu because we got bumped from our flight. Wow, unbelieveable!!!! My husband is from Hawaii and on that trip he said he would really like to move back here if it was possible. After seeing the place I thought I could live here and 4 years later we moved over. That was 15 years ago. Truly amazing how time flies. Of course, we may not make it though a full 2 week vacation; we may end up in divorce court, together 24/7 - ooohh, this could get ugly!!! No, it will be fine. As with all men, I will just have to make him believe that everything was his idea. Trust me, after 21 years I've got it down pat ;)

Enought rambling, I've got some quilts to make for Christmas gifts so I need to get cranking on them. I'm thinking of starting a business of making quilts out of old race shirts. I have a ton and I haven't been at this as long as some of you guys have. You must have thousands of shirts collected. I made my husband a 49er quilt out of all his old 49er t-shirts and it came out pretty cool; huge but cool. Since then I've become a quilting expert. Maybe I'll make one out of my shirts as an example. That would be a good little business. I could advertise on the internet and at all the local races. Hmmm, I may be on to something here, I'll have to give this a little more thought....

Okay, off to sew.....


Bolder said…
no idea why your blogs messed up, i'm working on a makeover for mine, i've learned not to ask these questions too...
La said…
My friend's mum made her a quilt from old race shirts as a gift when she finished Ironman (all the little triathlons that led up to that big race). It was beautiful! Can't wait to see yours!

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