It's all in how you look at things.

For the past couple of weeks I've been trying to get back into the habit of working out in the morning. I go to bed with excellent intentions but usually fail to get up. I have managed to do it a couple of times and I generally try to tell myself how great it is and how good I feel, yada, yada, yada....... But far more times I don't get up and then end up beating myself up a little bit. This morning, again, I tried to get up but ended up hitting that snooze way too often. I then got up, had coffee, and headed out to walk the dogs. It was then it hit me - BANG!!! I do get some exercise every morning!!!! I walk the dogs every single morning!!! I actually take 2 walks because I can't walk all 3 at the same time. Okay, it's not a run or a bike ride, or aerobics, but it is a brisk 30-40 minute walk at sunrise. It's something. So from now on, I do exercise every morning I'm just going to try and add more. Somehow that sounds better.....

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. I'll be doing a turkey trot in the morning and picking up a fully prepared dinner on the way home. The rest of the day will be devoted to hanging around, watching some football, and drinking beer.


Nancy Toby said…
I find that unless I'm accountable to somebody else ... I often choose to sleep in. ZzzzzZZZZzzzzz
La said…
Man, you Americans know how to do Thanksgiving. We get one lousy Monday in mid-October. You get Thursday, Friday and some of you even take Wednesday, too! Small consolation: we get Boxing Day (Dec 26). Have a happy one!

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