Just another manic monday.. ah Wednesday....

Where did the week go??? The days are speeding by too darn quick lately..... SLOW DOWN!!!

Well, I developed a plan on Sunday but haven't been able to stick to it as well as I wanted to. But you know what?? That's okay. I'm doing the best I can and right now that's all I can ask. I'm walking the dogs every morning and night and if that's all the additional exercise I get for right now I'll live. This crazy, lethargic period will pass and I'll be back working out all the time. I have made a committment to not miss any more marathon training and that's where my focus is right now. I really want to get back into strength training but it's just not happening right now. That's okay!! It will come again.....

That sleeping thing is really working except I find myself staying up a little later than I'm used too or, worse yet, falling asleep on the couch and those things seem to be throwing things off.... But I make it through the day not completely exhaused by 3:00p.m.

I guess I should get to work. Although it's slow right now there are lots of details that need to be taken care of....


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