Okay, I've had it with this unmotivated crap is over.

I really need to get my butt moving again. I haven't exercised since my swim Tuesday night. I feel like a big fat blob. I have to weigh in this morning and I know I'm going to weigh like 400 lbs. Okay, I know it's not that bad but it will be bad. My eating for yesterday was not great. I mean really, when you think of it what I want to do is not that hard. I want to exercise 6 days a week and eat healthy (mostly fruits and veggies and whole grains). I was doing that so well for quite awhile and now I've just lost it.

But you know what?? That's over. I'm tired of whining about my weight and exercise and blah, blah, blah!!!! I am going to shift the focus of this blog slightly. I have my first triathlon in 29 days. I'm going to put up a counter on the side bar to count it down, and my focus will be training and eating right. I'm also training for the Honolulu Marathon in December and there are a couple of other tri's I'm going to compete in this year so yeah. The focus is shifting a little. It's still overall about health and weight loss but I'm going to stop focusing on that and start focusing on my sports Okay, I'm starting to feel better already. Towards that end I think I will go for a bike ride later this afternoon. I have to go to WW this morning and then I have to run into work and then I have a packet pick up for my race tomorrow, plus we are going to stop and have lunch at Gordon Biersch-yumm!!!! After all that instead of coming home and taking a nap, I will go for a bike ride of at least 1 hour. Wow, I can feel my motivation and desire building up in me. I'm really feeling better. I know everyone loses motivation but I seem to lose it every other day.


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