I think I am successfully navigating that scary day

know as Thursday. For a couple of weeks in a row now I have managed to drag my butt out of bed and exercise on Thursday mornings. A major achievement that must be acknowledged - Yeah me!!!!

My right knee is bothering me. It didn't bother me when I got up but once I started running I could feel it. That's the first time I've felt it while running. I'm thinking it may be my new shoes. Because I have no cartlidge in that knee I do have to be careful about the shoes I wear for running. This pain started since I got my new shoes on Friday. The arch doesn't hit quite right and I think this may be causing the problem. So I'm going to try and get some insoles to see if that will help.

My ToDo list for today:

  • Walk the dogs
  • Functional Exercise
  • Feed the dogs
  • Eat dinner
  • Work on website for 1 hour or work on rug

Okay, once I posted last night and said I couldn't access my web site I went and worked on my rug for an hour, so that was successful. On my way to bed I tried my website again and it worked fine.....

Time once again to do that little thing called work.


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