
I was reading another blog today and the writer owns a pit bull, as do I. She had a statement and a link to a video on how the pits become mean. I really, really hate how people will judge a dog before they know that dog. You would not judge a person by their ethnicity, why is it okay to do that to dogs. My baby, Nala, is the sweetest dog you would ever want to meet. She looks mean and I sure wouldn't want to threaten her, but deep down she's a real marshmallow. Okay, I just posted her picture, she is such a little sweetie.

Anyway, it really pisses me off when people misjudge or make assumptions about things, animals, people, without knowing the individual. If people took the time to learn about individuals there would be a lot more understanding and a lot less violence and anger in the world. It really makes me sad sometimes. People think only of themselves and not for one moment of the other person. I see it in parking lots all the time. Stores will paint the curbs red; people park there; they put up signs; they still park there; they put up cones; they still park there. Never for one minute thinking that by parking there they are blocking the driveway and making life absolutely miserable for everyone else; they think only of their own convenience. I get so angry I just want to scream.

Meanwhile, on the weight loss front. Things have been okay. The food is really falling in line and becoming pretty much a non-issue (I have to be careful that doesn't happen cause then the worst will happen again). Exercise has been good. I've exercised 5 days so far this week and done 2 weight workouts. I'm going to do a 3rd tomorrow I just don't know what I'm going to do exactly.

Well, enough for now. I must consider dinner and weigh in tomorrow........


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