The journey continues......

So I've decided to give this blog thing a try. I'm trying to lose weight and have been for the past few years and I've gotten some great inspiration from some of the weight loss blogs that are out there. I don't imagine anyone will get some life changing inspiration from my blog; but it might help someone along the way.

I've been on Weight Watcher's for as long as it's been around (at least it feels that way). I've joined about 5 times in the last 13 years. The next to most recent was about 5 1/2 years ago. I lost 50 lbs and feeling incredibly sure of myself - quit. I was away for 2 years and gained some weight back (though not as much as I thought I would). Last October I joined-again- for what I'm determined to be the last time. I have lost 25 lbs to date and have about 15-20 more to go. I am focusing on not only losing weight but trying to regain my athletic ability. I'm training for a triathalon and an Advernture Race.

Okay, this is where it begins. This is a start and we'll see where this adventure will lead me......


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